Saturday Guide - June 8, 2024
Riders head from downtown (N Boston Ave and East Cameron St) through Green Country on three different routes: Piccolo (35 miles), Medio (65 miles) and Gran (101 miles). Detailed maps coming soon.
Divas Champagne Toast at 7 a.m.
Ace Challenge & AAON Fondo Starts at 7:30-7:40 a.m.
The Corporate Challenge Sportif will culminate with an awards ceremony on Friday night, the week after Saint Francis Tulsa Tough. Prizes will go to the teams based on speed, distance, and participation.
Racers take on an L-Shaped course through the heart of Tulsa’s historic Tulsa Arts District. The start and finish line is at Reconciliation Way and Boston Ave, and the festival is at Guthrie Green (merchandise, food trucks and awesome views!).
First race starts at 9:30 a.m. and the last race starts at 6:55 p.m.
Kids’ Races kick off at Main & Reconciliation Way at 2:05 p.m. Participation is free! Registration required on-site. Participants must have a bike and bike helmet. Training wheels, trikes and big wheels are allowed. Ages 9 and under.
BEST OPTION: Ride your bike! There is no dedicated event parking on Saturday, but you can look for surface lots and garages near the Tulsa Arts District. Fondo parking is located at OSU-Tulsa.
When does crit racing begin on Saturday? 9:30 a.m.
When does crit racing end on Saturday? 8:25 p.m.
When does the Saturday AAON Gran Fondo start? Staging begins at 7:00 a.m. ACE riders depart at 7:30 a.m. and the mass start begins at 7:40 a.m.
Where do I pick up my AAON Fondo registration packet if I am unable to pick it up on Friday, June 7? We will have a limited window to pick up your packet at the AAON Fondo staging area between 6:00AM and 7:00AM on Saturday and Sunday.
When does the Saturday AAON Gran Fondo course close? 5 p.m.
Where do I park for the Saturday AAON Gran Fondos? OSU-Tulsa parking lot.
Which streets are on the Saturday criteriums? Cincinnati Avenue between Reconciliation Way and Cameron Streets, Cameron Streets between Cincinnati Avenue and Main Street, Main Street between Cameron and Easton Streets, Easton Street between Main Street and Boulder Avenue, Boulder Avenue between Easton and Reconciliation Way, Reconciliation Way between Boulder and Cincinnati Avenues.
Where are the AAON Gran Fondo route maps? Here!
Where does the Saturday AAON Gran Fondo start? North Elgin Avenue near Reconciliation Park; you will need to enter the start line from the north. Elgin Avenue will be blocked from Archer Street to John Hope Franklin Boulevard.
Where does the Saturday AAON Gran Fondo finish? North of the race venue on Boston Avenue next to Griffin Communications.
How can my family find me after the Saturday AAON Gran Fondo? Go to Guthrie Green located on Reconciliation Way and Cameron Street and Boston and Cincinnati Avenues.